Enabling VAA Execution: Environment and VAA Preparation and/or Reproducibility for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (CONCIERGE)

Hi there!
I am Rafael Sinjunatha Wulangsih, a Telecommunication Engineering graduate from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia. I’m currently contributing to the “EdgeRep: Reproducing and benchmarking edge analytic systems” project under the mentorship of Yuyang (Roy) Huang and Prof. Junchen Jiang. You can find more details about the project proposal here.
This project addresses the challenges posed by the massive deployment of edge devices, such as traffic or security cameras, in smart cities and other environments. In the previous Edgebench project, the team proposed a solution to dynamically allocate bandwidth and compute resources to video analytic applications (VAAs) running on edge devices. However, that project was limited to a single VAA, which may not represent the diverse applications running on edge devices. Therefore, the main goal of this project, “EdgeRep,” is to diversify the VAAs running on edge devices while utilizing a solution similar to that of the Edgebench project. EdgeRep aims to reproduce state-of-the-art self-adaptive VAAs (with seven candidates) and maintain self-adaptation in these video analytics pipelines. We will implement it ourselves if the video analytics applications do not support self-adaptation.